Enterprise Management Suite
Patented &
Patent-Pending; US Pat #5,592,657; 5,689,637, 6,275,855 & 6,748,430;
European Pat # 0901079

Click Graphic for
Larger Alert Manager Diagram
Alert Manager provides immediate
notification of alerts and enables the operator to securely and
remotely connect to the target machine and resolve any problem. Alert
Manager can be customized to accommodate geographic, application,
operating system or functional needs.
Central User Database provides operator access
controls - connection level security.
Automation is your cross-system and cross-platform
scheduling and message handling. For example, SuperVision can automate
the start of a task on an MVS system, when it receives the appropriate
return code from a task running on a UNIX or VM system.

Click Graphic for
Larger Automation Image
Console Consolidation integrates multiple mainframe
console screens onto one workstation, reducing the corporate labor and
technology burden necessary to operate multiple computer systems.
Console Consolidation also reduces floor space and hardware
requirements, enabling more effective use of space.

Click Graphic for
Larger Console Consolidation Screen |
REXX Capabilities provide an easy-to-use procedural language to
automate your own tasks.
Secure Remote Access helps you increase productivity
with telecommuting and reduce downtime by enabling off-site staff to
immediately access your system and troubleshoot anytime from anywhere,
with complete security.
Instant Replay provides immediate access to view the
event logs that led to system failure, significantly reducing
troubleshooting time and effort. Without Instant Replay the operator
may not be able to locate the point of failure.